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An Introduction to COSMIC

An Introduction to COSMIC

Altar of Dreams Materialized COSMIC is the name given to an object that is a lesson and a medium for that lesson which has been in process inside of The Phoenix Church of Higher Vibratory Resonation since 2016, when the cabinet was discovered by head honcho Zelda del West in a junk shop in Walla Walla.  “This is COSMIC speaking. The Cabinet of Supernatural Mystically Inspired Creation.  We are a singular plurality, transmitter of pure intelligence which for now we’ll call Overmind. You and all that you see or seem are thoughts in the dream of Overmind. We exist to wake the dreamer of this durable illusion to lucidity, to realize the true nature of the maleable arrangement of what is deemed reality.” “This is the form of instruction. Every element of the Cabinet of Supernatural Mystically Inspired Creation is both a manifestation resulting from a mystical communication and it is an artifact of such. Each element is, even in isolation, a testament to the process of its becoming through

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